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  1. Décès25 avril 1744 (à 42 ans) · Uppsala (Suède)
    DomainesAstronome et physicien
  1. Anders Celsius | Temperature Scale, Thermometer, …

    WEB21 avr. 2024 · Anders Celsius was an astronomer who invented the Celsius temperature scale (often called the centigrade scale). Celsius

  2. Anders Celsius - Wikipedia

  3. Anders Celsius - Centigrade Scale and Thermometer

    WEB22 août 2019 · Anders Celsius invented his temperature scale in 1742. Using a mercury thermometer, the Celsius scale consists of 100 degrees between the freezing point (0° C) and boiling point (100° C) of pure …

  4. Celsius | Definition, Conversion to Fahrenheit, & Facts

    WEB25 avr. 2024 · Invented in 1742 by the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius, it is sometimes called the centigrade scale because of the 100-degree interval between the defined points. The following formula can …

  5. The Legacy of Anders Celsius - JSTOR Daily

    WEB27 nov. 2016 · His original scale ranged from 0 to 8 degrees; 0 was the lowest temperature Fahrenheit could artificially create in his lab, and 8 was his body temperature. With refinement, and as greater extremes in …

  6. Anders Celsius - Facts, Death & Scale - Biography

  7. The Thermometer & the Scientific Revolution - World History …

  8. Anders Celsius |

  9. Celsius - Wikipedia

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